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Help Home > Overview


The JGI Genome Portal presents JGI- and none JGI-sequenced projects/genomes for search,download and access. This page serves as jumping off point for Help, linking you to

  1. The Help Table of Contents
  2. A description of the Organization and primary elements on the portal.

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Organization of the Individual Portal for Project/Proposal/Group/Genome

The primary elements of the JGI Genome Portal are listed below:

1. Info section is available for all portals: individual and groups.

2. Download section gives access to sequencing and analysis data. Available for individual projects/genomes and groups and proposals. Please login to private or public projects in order to download Data.

3. Status (If applicable) is provided to the JGI Projects. It reflects the details of the project itself and the current status of the project.

3. Report (If applicable) link provides access to additional detailed information about the sequencing process and its samples for the user.

4. Home (If applicable)page is available for a number of genomes and some custom portals for the relevant studies and publications.

5. Link to MycoCosm/ IMG/ Phytozome (If applicable) present for the portals that have related to its data analysis and tools for comparison and visualization.


The search area enables you to search by the certain criteria and filter the results

The Download Area

The Download methods allow you to download any available data with Portal or Globus User interface and programmatically