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Help Home > The Genome Browser > The Genome Viewer > Repeat Sequence Viewer

Repeat Sequence Viewer

This viewer displays information about a repeat that matches a portion of the genome of interest. The nucleotide sequence of the repeat is shown in red, and any padding (nucleotide sequence immediately upstream and downstream) is shown in black.

  • Name The name classifies the type of repeat.
  • Strand The read direction of the DNA strand, plus or minus.
  • Span and Lengths The length in base pairs over which the repeat is coded.
  • Scaff start/end The start and end coordinates for the repeat with respect to the beginning of the scaffold.
  • Scaff start/end (padded) The start and end coordinates for the displayed nucleotide sequence with respect to the beginning of the scaffold, including upstream and downstream padding.
  • Padding The number of bases included upstream and downstream of the repeat. To change the padding, enter a new number and click Change Padding.
  • Coords on or Coords off Displays or hides the coordinates of the first and last base in each row of the displayed sequence, relative to the beginning of the scaffold.