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Help Home > Overview > Portal Front Page > "My Favorites"

My Favorites

  1. "My Favorites" link
  2. Saving search results
  3. Saving selected projects/proposals/genome portals/groups from search results

1. "My Favorites" link

screenshot of My Favorites dialog box Figure 1. "My favorites" dialog with saved search results

"My Favorites" feature is available only upon the login.

If you have access to any private projects you will find all of them in "My Favorites" under the link "My Private Projects"

"My Favorites" link is located in the top left corner of the Search panel on the home page.

Please click on the Figure.1 to enlarge the screenshot

2. Saving search results to "My Favorites"

screenshot of My Favorites generic search Figure 2. General search results shown on the page with ability to save to "My Favorites"

After you execute your search and filter results you can save it to "My Favorites". The results will be available for you when you login and click on the "My Favorites" link.

If you have access to any private projects you will find all of them in "My Favorites" under the link "My Private Projects"

  1. Login to genome.jgi.doe.gov
  2. Execute search
  3. If needed apply filters that are located under the "Advanced Search" link
  4. Use "Save Search Results" button on the top of the table
  5. Save it as a new search or update the existing search results
  6. Find your saved results under the "My Favorites" link

Please click on the Figure.2 to enlarge the screenshot.

3. Saving selected search results to "My Favorites"

screenshot of My Favorites select search Figure 3. Selected search results shown on the page with ability to save to "My Favorites"

"My Favorites" feature is available only upon the login.

  1. Login to genome.jgi.doe.gov
  2. Execute search
  3. If needed apply filters that are located under the "Advanced Search" link
  4. Select particular entries that you have interest in
  5. Use "Save Selected" button on the top of the table
  6. Save it as a new search or update the existing search results
  7. Find your saved result under the "My Favorites" link

Please click on the Figure.3 to enlarge the screenshot.