Rhizosphere effects on soil organic matter decomposition and microbial activity in a tropical rainforest under drought: unearthing aggregate- to ecosystem-scale contributions to carbon cycling through whole-ecosystem stable isotope labeling: UA_B2_WALD_metaT P11SSC1_190916_i_mapped_to_IMG_dataset_3300045920
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Proposal Rhizosphere effects on soil organic matter decomposition and microbial activity in a tropical rainforest under drought: unearthing aggregate- to ecosystem-scale contributions to carbon cycling through whole-ecosystem stable isotope labeling (Proposal ID: 505592)
Principal Investigator Malak Tfaily
Project UA_B2_WALD_metaT P11SSC1_190916_i_mapped_to_IMG_dataset_3300045920 ( Project ID: 1343116 )
Program CSP-EMSL
Product Metagenome Metatranscriptome Expression - Other
Status Complete

Library Items

Library Items
Item ID Item Type Tight
Frag Size
Insert Size
Sample ID Sample
Last Updated Status
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