Info • Ceriporiopsis (Gelatoporia) subvermispora B



Ceriporiopsis subvermispora B. (May 2010) This draft assembly was produced using Roche (454) and Fosmid (Sanger) data and includes 147 gaps closed with gapResolution. Assembly was done with Newbler.

Nuclear Genome Assembly: v1.0
Main genome scaffold total: 740
Main genome contig total: 1154
Main genome scaffold sequence total: 39.0 Mb
Main genome contig sequence total total: 37.9 Mb
Estimated % sequence bases in gaps: 2.8 %
Scaffold N/L50: 8 / 1.7 Mb
Contig N/L5050: 45 / 238.9 KB
Number of scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 42
% in scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 96.9%


Ceriporiopsis subvermispora B. (May 2010) Annotation of the assembly was JGI annotation pipeline, using a variety of homlogy-based and ab initio gene predictors. Some 2M ESTs from 454 sequencers were clustered with Newbler to yield 15,436 clusters. After filtering for EST support, completeness and homology support, a total of 12,125 genes were structurally and functionally annotated.

Nuclear Genome Annotation: v1.0
# gene models: 12,125
Gene density(genes/Mb scaffold): 311
Avg.gene length: 2006
Avg. protein length: 426
Avg. exon frequency: 6.7 exons/gene
Avg. exon length: 241
Avg. intron length: 72.8
% complete gene models (with start and stop codons): 91%
% genes with homology support: 76%
% genes with Pfam domains: 49%
% genes with EST support: 67%


  • Dan Cullen - USDA and University of Wisconsin
  • Rafael Vicunã - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Genome Reference(s)


The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.