Acidaminococcus intestini DSM 21505
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Seq. Project name:
Acidaminococcus intestini DSM 21505 ( Project ID: 1013604 )
Microbial Minimal Draft, Isolate
Proposal Name:
Genomic Encyclopedia of Type Strains, Phase I: the one thousand microbial genomes (KMG) project (Proposal ID: 733)
Project PI:
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Related Projects:
FD 1013603; SP 1013604; AP 1013605
Release Date:
Genus/species/strain/isolate: Acidaminococcus / Acidaminococcus intestini / DSM 21505 /
GOLD ID: Gp0013860
Data Submission
NCBI BioProject ID: 188796
NCBI Tax ID: 1120921
SRA accession:
  • SRP025812 (2013-06-12)
Request DNA:
Nikos Kyrpides <[email protected]>
General Information
QD/SD JGI ISOLATES QC AND ASSEMBLY REPORT - 1013604 Acidaminococcus intestini DSM 21505 1) RAW DATA: LibraryName NumReads ReadType ReadType FileName LIB 11643072 2x150 Illumina Std PE (cassava 1.8) 6622.3.49215.CGTACG.fastq 2) ILLUMINA STD PE READ FILTERING STATS: Reads were screened against synthetic oligos used in the Illumina sequencing process. Pairs of matching reads were removed from the dataset. Total input reads: 11643072 (100%) Artifact reads removed: 14 (0.0%) Total reads removed: 14 (0.0%) Total reads remaining: 11643058 (100.0%) 3) ILLUMINA STD PE READ IDENTIFICATION STATS This step identifies contaminants but does not remove them from the dataset. Total input reads: 11643072 (100%) Num contam reads identified: 2 (0.0%) - Pseudomonas 2 0.00% 4) ASSEMBLY STATS: a) Velvet assembly using VelvetOptimizer: Assembly stats of the Velvet assembly created by the velvet optimizer. Avg GC Content: 49.00 +/- 3.03% Largest Contig: 204.9 KB Main genome scaffold total: 64 Main genome contig total: 109 Main genome scaffold sequence total: 2.3 MB Main genome contig sequence total: 2.3 MB (-> 0.1% gap) Main genome scaffold N/L50: 11/54.4 KB Main genome contig N/L50: 22/38.3 KB Number of scaffolds > 50 KB: 14 % main genome in scaffolds > 50 KB: 58.6% Minimum Number Number Total Total Scaffold Scaffold of of Scaffold Contig Contig Length Scaffolds Contigs Length Length Coverage -------- --------- ------- ----------- ----------- -------- All 64 109 2,268,194 2,264,455 99.84% 1 kb 60 105 2,265,288 2,261,549 99.83% 2.5 kb 53 98 2,255,268 2,251,529 99.83% 5 kb 47 92 2,233,223 2,229,484 99.83% 10 kb 43 88 2,205,826 2,202,087 99.83% 25 kb 34 77 2,076,333 2,072,710 99.83% 50 kb 14 42 1,329,182 1,326,785 99.82% 100 kb 4 19 623,826 622,529 99.79% b) Allpaths + Velvet simulated read pairs: Assembly stats of the ALLPATHS assembly. The input contains simulated 1-3 kb read pairs created from the Velvet assembly and reads that have been filtered for artifacts. Avg GC Content: 49.57 +/- 2.20% Largest Contig: 205.4 KB Main genome scaffold total: 55 Main genome contig total: 57 Main genome scaffold sequence total: 2.3 MB Main genome contig sequence total: 2.3 MB (-> 0.2% gap) Main genome scaffold N/L50: 11/55.0 KB Main genome contig N/L50: 11/55.0 KB Number of scaffolds > 50 KB: 14 % main genome in scaffolds > 50 KB: 58.5% Minimum Number Number Total Total Scaffold Scaffold of of Scaffold Contig Contig Length Scaffolds Contigs Length Length Coverage -------- --------- ------- ----------- ----------- -------- All 55 57 2,282,467 2,278,607 99.83% 1 kb 55 57 2,282,467 2,278,607 99.83% 2.5 kb 53 55 2,279,014 2,275,154 99.83% 5 kb 48 50 2,261,386 2,257,526 99.83% 10 kb 44 46 2,237,623 2,233,763 99.83% 25 kb 34 36 2,093,267 2,089,407 99.82% 50 kb 14 15 1,334,841 1,334,176 99.95% 100 kb 4 5 625,338 624,673 99.89% 5) KEY PIPELINE CMDS: a) Artifact removal step: duk params: -k 22 -s 1 -c 1 b) Velvet assembly step for creating simulated read pairs: Velvet version: 1.1.04 Velvet optimizer version: 2.1.7 Velvet optimizer params: --v --s 51 --e 71 --i 4 --t 1 --f "-shortPaired -fastq $FASTQ" --o "-ins_length 250 -min_contig_lgth 500" c) Simulated read pairing creation step: Wgsim version: 0.3.0 Wgsim params: -e 0 -1 100 -2 100 -r 0 -R 0 -X 0 d) ALLPATHS assembly step: ALLPATHS version: r42328 Contents of in_libs.csv: library_name, project_name, organism_name, type, paired, frag_size, frag_stddev, insert_size, insert_stddev, read_orientation, genomic_start, genomic_end STD_1,project,assembly,fragment,1,260,35,,,inward,0,0 SIMREADS,project,assembly,jumping,1,,,3000,300,inward,0,0 6) WORKFLOW STEPS: 1. Removed illumina artifacts (synthetic oligos used in the laboratory). 2. Created velvet assembly of the artifact filtered data. 3. Created simulated 1-3 kb read pairs using Velvet contigs from step 2. 4. Created allpaths assembly using Velvet simulated read pairs (step 3) and the artifact filtered data. 7) ASSEMBLERS USED: Velvet, AllpathsLG 8) RELEASE DATE: Thu May 16 16:14:51 PDT 2013 By Hui Sun- [email protected] 9) AUTHORS: For additional information, please contact: Stephan Trong - [email protected] James Han - [email protected] This file was automatically generated by the jigsaw pipeline software (version
The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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